Grain-free olive walnut scones / Scones noix-olives

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“There were always in me, two women at least, one woman desperate and bewildered, who felt she was drowning and another who would leap into a scene, as upon a stage, conceal her true emotions because they were weaknesses, helplessness, despair, and present to the world only a smile, an eagerness, curiosity, enthusiasm, interest.”
Anaïs Nin

This quote by Anaïs Nin sums up what my life is like at the moment : I am terrified and anxious yet I wake up every day and act normal most of the time. The thing is I'm getting bad at it. Pretending. Hiding my insecurities It makes me even more anxious and I behave erratically towards people I want to connect the most with. There's not really a point here... Oh yes the recipe's the point.

For these scones, you absolutely need very fine nut flour. I've bought walnut flour in a mill where they sell it as a by-product of their oil (the residual fiber from making oil).
If you cannot find very fine walnut flour or make your own, I recommend you to sift it and grind the remaining bits in a spice grinder until you have very fine flour but I have to say that the texture won't be exactly the same : baking, and especially grain-free baking, doesn't give you leeway when it comes to nut flour. I know from experience that you can easily find very fine almond flour so you could substitute 100 g of the amount with it. (Dried) walnut pulp from making walnut milk would work great as well as it usually lends a lighter and smoother texture to baked goods. Depending on the type of nut flour/pulp/meal you use, you will have to use more or less water.

Olive walnut scones
(vegan, grain-free)

200 g very fine walnut flour
15 g flax meal
10 g coconut flour
8 g psyllium husk powder
30 g coconut oil, melted
60 g pitted black olives
20 g small walnut pieces
13-16 cl water

In a bowl, combine all ingredients except water and fixings (olives and walnuts). Add the water gradually, starting with 13 cl, until it forms a workable dough. Fold in the olives and walnuts and mix, making sure they're evenly distributed. Form a ball, place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, slightly flatten into a disk using a rolling pin ( cm thick) Cut in half and each half in three triangles. Bake the scones at 180°C for 20 to 25 minutes, or until slightly brown. 

Scones noix-olives
(végétalien, sans céréales)

200 g farine de noix très fine
15 g graines de lin moulues
10 g farine de coco
8 g psyllium blond en poudre
30 g huile de coco, liquide
60 g olives noires dénoyautées
20 g noix décortiquées, en petits morceaux
13-16 cl eau

Dans un saladie, mélanger tous les ingrédients sauf l'eau, les olives et les noix. Ajouter l'eau petit à petit, en commençant par 13 cl jusqu'à ce former une pâte malléable (mais qui ne colle pas). Ajouter les olives et les noix et bien mélanger pour les répartir dans la pâte. Former une boule, la mettre sur une plaque de cuisson recouverte de papier sulfurisés et l'aplatir légèrement avec un rouleau à pâtisserie. Découper le disque en deux, puis chaque moitié en trois. Espacer les scones et les faire cuire à 180°C pendant 20-25 minutes jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient bien dorés.

4 commentaires:

  1. that quote. you always know how to pull at my heart strings. and the scones are lovely and i love that they are savory. so perfect.

  2. I feel just like Anaïs Nin, just like you, but I am convinced we all have to go through some difficulties in order to enjoy life once we finally achieve our dreams. I am really planning on happiness and simplicity, traveling more to reconnect with my dear friends. In the mean time I cook and bake for my pleasure :)

  3. I agree with the previous comments -- the quotation is poignant and true.

    What an innovative idea for scones! In the picture, what is the white sauce that garnishes the scone?

  4. Thank you very much, the sauce is simply coconut cream (unsweetened here). Hope this helps!



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